
dui defense lawyer request

If you or a family member needs a DUI Defense Lawyer, act quickly. Contact Watson Fowler for a free and fully confidential initial consultation.

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dui defense lawyer in greenville, sc and upstate south carolina

South Carolina Driving Under the Influence (DUI) laws are some of the most complicated in the country. They are also constantly changing. If you are charged with DUI in South Carolina, you face a large variety of potential criminal and administrative penalties, including long-term license suspension, hefty fines, court fees, and even prison time. If you hold a specialized driver’s license, such as a CDL, the stakes are even higher.  

There are many attorneys who occasionally take on criminal and DUI cases, but only a few limit their practice almost exclusively on criminal defense and DUI defense. The attorneys at Watson Fowler are among those select few. 

Our lawyers train in DUI trial practice and keep up with rapidly-changing SC DUI laws that cover complicated issues such as administering standardized field sobriety tests, obtaining and analyzing blood or urine samples, recording breathalyzer (datamaster) tests, and other evidence-gathering issues that are unique to DUI investigations.

If you’ve been charged with DUI or DUAC in Greenville or Upstate South Carolina, call NOW at (864) 467-0380 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation

dui defense lawyer request

If you or a family member needs a DUI Defense Lawyer, act quickly. Contact Watson Fowler for a free and fully confidential initial consultation.

Contact Us

dui defense lawyer in greenville, sc and upstate south carolina.

South Carolina Driving Under the Influence (DUI) laws are some of the most complicated in the country. They are also constantly changing. If you are charged with DUI in South Carolina, you face a large variety of potential criminal and administrative penalties, including long-term license suspension, hefty fines, court fees, and even prison time. If you hold a specialized driver’s license, such as a CDL, the stakes are even higher.  

There are many attorneys who occasionally take on criminal and DUI cases, but only a few limit their practice almost exclusively on criminal defense and DUI defense. The attorneys at Watson Fowler are among those select few. 

 Our lawyers train in DUI trial practice and keep up with rapidly-changing SC DUI laws that cover complicated issues such as administering standardized field sobriety tests, obtaining and analyzing blood or urine samples, recording breathalyzer (datamaster) tests, and other evidence-gathering issues that are unique to DUI investigations.

If you’ve been charged with DUI or DUAC in Greenville or Upstate South Carolina, call NOW at (864) 467-0380 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation

dui defense lawyer in greenville, sc and upstate south carolina.

South Carolina Driving Under the Influence (DUI) laws are some of the most complicated in the country. They are also constantly changing. If you are charged with DUI in South Carolina, you face a large variety of potential criminal and administrative penalties, including long-term license suspension, hefty fines, court fees, and even prison time. If you hold a specialized driver’s license, such as a CDL, the stakes are even higher.  

There are many attorneys who occasionally take on criminal and DUI cases, but only a few limit their practice almost exclusively on criminal defense and DUI defense. The attorneys at Watson Fowler are among those select few. 

 Our lawyers train in DUI trial practice and keep up with rapidly-changing SC DUI laws that cover complicated issues such as administering standardized field sobriety tests, obtaining and analyzing blood or urine samples, recording breathalyzer (datamaster) tests, and other evidence-gathering issues that are unique to DUI investigations.

If you’ve been charged with DUI or DUAC in Greenville or Upstate South Carolina, call NOW at (864) 467-0380 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation


Do you have other legal questions or not sure we cover what you need? Give us a call for a free consultation. Contact Watson Fowler today; it never hurts to ask.

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